Great Outdoors: Not So Great for an Outdoor Cat
Everyone who has ever owned a cat knows that they can be absolutely persistent once they want something. If that something is going outside, what should you do? What do you need to consider before letting your cat outdoors? Can you train your outdoor cat to stay inside? Are indoor cats even happy? We will… Read More
Want to become snake savvy?
Do you want to own a pet snake, or own one already and want to brush up? There is a lot of information out there on the internet about snakes, and not all of it is true. Your veterinarian is the best resource for your snake’s individual need. Each species is unique and needs to… Read More
Dental Health and Dental Disasters
Does your dog or cat have terrible breath? Is he or she chewing funny? Dropping food? Even worse, missing teeth that were there before? Dental disease is extremely common in dogs, cats, and even rabbits! This is incredibly painful for your furry friend, and can have some hidden effects as well. Whole Body Effects of… Read More
Bird Behavior Problems
Looking to adopt a pet bird? Already have a pet bird, but having some behavior problems? Don’t worry! There are a few changes at home that can alter most behavioral problems in birds. The most common problems include inappropriate sexual behavior, feather plucking, and aggression. Many of these are also a sign of health issues,… Read More
Arthritis in Dogs
Is your pup getting older? Is he slowing down? He may have some arthritis after walking many miles by your side all these years. But don’t worry! You can help, with some guidance from your veterinarian. We may be able to get your best friend feeling like a puppy again. What is arthritis? Arthritis is… Read More
Puppy Pandemic
During much of March and all of April, people have been having to work from home, social distance from friends and family, and life as we know it has changed drastically. Since people are home for the time being, many families have welcomed a new family member! Veterinary Care for your New Puppy One of… Read More
Easter Bunny
Easter is just around the corner! In the spirit of the holiday, we decided to talk about some of our favorite pets here at All Creatures– rabbits! All about Rabbits Rabbits are mammals, just like humans, dogs and cats. Surprisingly, they are not rodents, but lagomorphs! Rabbits are herbivorous, eating mainly grasses in the wild,… Read More
Holiday Hazards
Here are some tips for keeping your pets out of danger during the holiday season. AVOID Holiday Food Items That Could Cause Problems For Your Pet Alcoholic beverages , marijuana Chocolate (baker’s, semi-sweet, milk chocolate) Coffee (grounds, beans, chocolate covered espresso beans) Moldy or spoiled foods Onions, onion powder Fatty foods Salt Yeast dough PLANTS… Read More
Caring for Pet Rodents
Hamsters, chinchillas, degus, gerbils, and rats make up 10-15% of the exotic species we see in a veterinary exotic pet practice. These furry pets are rodents and are not loved by everyone. The word rodent means, “to gnaw”. Rodents are the most populous mammalian order. Many municipalities have quite an extensive budget to eradicate wild… Read More
Pet Resolutions for the New Year!

The years are flying by and your best friend will be a year older this year. Shouldn’t your New Year’s Resolutions include your pet? Here are some of the resolutions All Creatures Veterinary Hospital thinks your pet would love for 2018! What resolutions would your dog want you to make for 2018? 1. Play more! Socialize with… Read More